video recap



11:20 AM - 12:05 PM
Breakout Session: The Missing Link to your Balanced Tech Team: Reskilling and Hiring Military Veterans
11:20 AM - 12:05 PM  |  Brazos

The U.S. is facing a huge workforce shortage as technology disrupts the job market. The veteran community is one place we must look for upskilling opportunities to meet the job needs and also to build diverse teams. Hear unique insights from industry leaders, military veterans and the nonprofit sector on how they partner to reskill and hire veterans into tech careers.

Dan Maslowski (U.S. Army), Managing Director, Global Head of Digital Automation and Infrastructure, Citi
Tresia Eaves (U.S. Air Force), Senior Manager, Protiviti
Johanna Martinez (Marine Corps), Talent Attraction Manager, AT&T
Crystal Janes (U.S. Navy), VP CTI App Hosting Product Management, Citi
Russ Medina (U.S. Army), Executive Director, NPower Texas

Bertina Ceccarelli, CEO, NPower

12:15 PM - 01:00 PM
Breakout Session: 275,000 meals for north Texas
12:15 PM - 01:00 PM  |  Brazos

More than 800 volunteers came together to pack 275,000+ meals for the north Texas community on September 11th. The Pack Shack, Communities Foundation of Texas, and the North Texas Food Bank share how this event came about and the powerful impact of partnerships.

Bret Raymond, CEO, The Pack Shack
Dr. Phillip Shero, President, MasterMinds Leadership
Sejal Desai, Business Engagement Director, Communities Foundation of Texas for Business
Kymberlaine Banks, Business Engagement Officer, Communities Foundation of Texas
Erica Yaeger, Chief External Affairs Officer, North Texas Food Bank

09:00 AM - 09:05 AM
Opening Remarks
09:00 AM - 09:05 AM  |  Music Hall

Nick Baily, co-founder, From Day One

09:05 AM - 09:45 AM
Panel: What Makes an Inclusive Leader
09:05 AM - 09:45 AM  |  Music Hall

From CEOs to team leaders, inclusiveness grows when the people in charge make it a priority. How should those values be codified and expressed? Who has the best methods for teaching leaders how to set goals and put it into practice every day?

Tyler Muse, co-founder, Lingo Live
Joan Buccigrossi, head global diversity & inclusion, Alcon
Bobby Griffin, head of diversity & inclusion, CBRE
Rick Wilson, global director, diversity & inclusion, AT&T

Cheryl Hall, journalist, Dallas Morning News

09:50 AM - 10:10 AM
Keynote: Change from Within: Building a Roadmap for Future Talent
09:50 AM - 10:10 AM  |  Music Hall

Rapid technological advancements, evolving business strategies, and changing mindsets around work are driving a shift in the skills and competencies needed in the workforce of the future. Join Aon Associate Partner, Mina Morris to:

• Learn how to flip the script on digital transformation to support business growth and develop talent
• Understand how organizations are developing a talent strategy to buy, rent, automate or grow talent needs
• Review practical strategies to help "home grow" your future talent
• Learn how to develop insights to empower individuals to own and grow their future careers
• Hear real-life examples of companies that have successfully led their people through a digital change

Mina Morris, associate partner, Aon

10:25 AM - 11:05 AM
Panel: Crafting a Corporate Culture That Means Something
10:25 AM - 11:05 AM  |  Music Hall

What makes it authentic to the company’s roots and current mission? How does it weave itself into all aspects of company life, from people to products? How do companies update their culture to be responsive to changing times?

Ollie Malone, Jr., Ph.D., SPHR, vice president, human resources, DFW International Airport
Yvonne Freeman, vice president global total rewards & HR operations, Sabre
Catherine Olivieri, SVP, human resources, Susan G. Komen
Ashley Oster, vice president, business development & marketing, E4E Relief

Brandon Call, managing editor, D CEO Magazine

01:00 PM - 02:00 PM
01:00 PM - 02:00 PM  |  Music Hall
02:00 PM - 02:45 PM
Workshop: New ways to foster critical conversations about difference and equality
02:00 PM - 02:45 PM  |  Music Hall

The ReadySet Ally Skills workshop positions people of color and their allies to successfully undertake allyship at work and beyond. By illustrating the stakes of allyship in tech and industries—as well as practical tools that can be used to achieve it—this training provides an optimal way to foster healthy workplaces for the growing number of womxn, queer, and transgender people of color in tech.
Through a combination of learning and development, small and large group discussions, and skill acquisition sessions, this workshop will provide new ways to foster critical conversations about difference and equality. The training provides concrete, actionable tools to empower employees and leaders to advocate for themselves and others.

Willie Jackson, diversity, equity, and inclusion consultant, ReadySet

02:50 PM - 03:30 PM
Panel: What Really Matters in Employee Satisfaction
02:50 PM - 03:30 PM  |  Music Hall

Compensation counts for a lot, but the biggest factor is whether the worker feels appreciated and valued. An exploration of new thinking on subjects including healthy feedback, public recognition, a new generation of benefits, and a sense of mission and purpose on the job.

Suminder Sran, Boarding Pass venture lead, PwC
Curtis Brooks, vice president, employee performance management, U.S. Bank
Sharla Jones, vice president, learning & development manager, Hilltop Holdings Inc
Ruth Tilley, vice president, HR business partner, McKesson
Nolan Godfrey, executive consultant and coach, Stewart Leadership

Rob Schneider, managing editor-events, Dallas Business Journal

03:45 PM - 04:15 PM
Panel: Why Should Business Support the Arts?
03:45 PM - 04:15 PM  |  Music Hall

When companies like American Airlines and Neiman Marcus are actively involved with arts and culture, it pays dividends in employee esprit de corps and connection to the community around them. Business Council for the Arts, a nonprofit organization, provides key points that all businesses can benefit from.

Katherine Wagner, CEO, Business Council for the Arts
Sean Gaven, SVP - lending, analytics, payments and digital strategy, American Airlines Federal Credit Union
Mimi Crume Sterling, vice president corporate culture & philanthropy, The Neiman Marcus Group, Inc.

Philip Silvestri, president and publisher, Local Profile

04:15 PM - 04:35 PM
Keynote: Doing Less to Achieve More
04:15 PM - 04:35 PM  |  Music Hall

What fuels resilience and sustainable high performance in a world of overwhelming demand? Earlier this year, The Energy Project set out to test the hypothesis that if a team of accountants at Ernst and Young worked together to build more rest and renewal into their days during busy season, they’d not only feel more energized and engaged, they would also get more work done, in less time.

The results were staggering. In this talk, you’ll learn how it happened, step by step.

Tony Schwartz, CEO and founder, The Energy Project

04:35 PM - 04:40 PM
Closing Remarks
04:35 PM - 04:40 PM  |  Music Hall

Steve Koepp, co-founder, From Day One

08:30 AM - 09:00 AM
08:30 AM - 09:00 AM  |  Pasadena
10:10 AM - 10:25 AM
Coffee Break
10:10 AM - 10:25 AM  |  Pasadena
11:05 AM - 11:20 AM
Coffee Break
11:05 AM - 11:20 AM  |  Pasadena
01:00 PM - 02:00 PM
01:00 PM - 02:00 PM  |  Pasadena
03:30 PM - 03:45 PM
Coffee Break
03:30 PM - 03:45 PM  |  Pasadena
04:40 PM - 05:40 PM
Evening Reception
04:40 PM - 05:40 PM  |  Pasadena
11:20 AM - 12:05 PM
Breakout Session: How the Next Generation Is the Bridge You Need to Integrate Your Team and Your Company's Purpose
11:20 AM - 12:05 PM  |  The Saloon

Millennials and their successors, Gen Z, are having an undeniable impact on society, purchasing decisions, innovation and yes, the workplace. Yet few companies have turned to this powerful demographic force as an engine for integrating purpose across their organizations. Join Brittany Hill, founder and CEO of Accelerist, to explore the purpose-driven mindset of young workers and ways to leverage their desire for change. Learn how to create advocates for corporate social responsibility (CSR) and channel their energy. Discover how Champions of Change have started movements inside and outside their companies. On a range of crucial business goals-recruiting top talent, identifying issues, building a culture of inclusion-the next generation will produce vital players. Their strengths are key to elevating your CSR efforts.

Brittany Hill, founder and CEO, Accelerist

12:15 PM - 01:00 PM
Breakout Session: Designing Your First Nudge
12:15 PM - 01:00 PM  |  The Saloon

Inspired by the Behavioral Science principles described in our latest book, Nudge Management, the BVA Nudge Unit brings you an engaging, interactive workshop aimed at those seeking to achieve greater success rates in organizational change management. We will show you how simple behavioral "nudges" can optimize any transformation initiatives aimed at improving corporate culture, helping people achieve collective goals, and encouraging desired employee behavior.

The workshop begins with an introduction to Behavioral Science and why practical application of this academic discipline is becoming a critical component in the toolkit for corporate practitioners tasked with both internal and external transformation. Next, we will introduce you to the world of "nudge", and make a case for why this science-based lever can be an instrumental component to achieve human behavior change. Finally, we will introduce you to our 21 Drivers of Influence™ and how you can use them inside your organization to better support you as a behavioral change agent. You’ll have opportunity to experience the power of "nudge" first hand, during an ideation exercise applying our methodologies to the topic of diversity and inclusion.

Be prepared to have fun, learn and get ready to nudge!

Héber Manuel Delgado-Medrano, Vice President, BVA Nudge Unit
Jenic Mantashian, Executive Vice President, BVA Nudge Unit

11:20 AM - 12:05 PM
Breakout Session: The Human Side of Transformation
11:20 AM - 12:05 PM  |  Lonestar

Transformation is akin to survival in today’s business environment. And yet research shows that most organizational transformations fail to boost or sustain performance. To meet this challenge, organizations need to discover new ways to tap into the human potential to endure, thrive, and inspire in a rapidly evolving workplace. In this highly interactive workshop, you will join peer groups to explore how various forms of transformation (e.g., M&A, cultural, digital) are reshaping the talent development strategies and practices that organizations are pursuing. You’ll also learn how the most innovative companies are using technology to unlock the human potential for growth as the key to their organizational transformation.

Levi Nieminen, PhD, central regional vice president of sales, BetterUp

12:15 PM - 01:00 PM
Breakout Session: The Roles Purpose and Career Progression Play in Building a Successful Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Model
12:15 PM - 01:00 PM  |  Lonestar

A strong sense of purpose is essential as each of us drives forward in our careers and in our lives. In this session, we will explore what goes into purpose-built organizations, including the role that purpose plays for individual employees during specific phases of their career journey. In turn, we will look at how CSR programs are critical to the success of building a purpose-built employee journey, as well as how diversity and inclusion should be considered along the way.

Danielle Morgan, sales manager, corporations vertical, Blackbaud
Odessa Jenkins, vice president of client services, YourCause



The conference will take place at Gilley’s Dallas, a vast event space in Cedars Dallas.

Nov 06
8:30AM - 5:30PM