video recap



08:15 AM - 09:00 AM
08:15 AM - 09:00 AM  |  The Lounge
09:00 AM - 09:05 AM
Opening Remarks
09:00 AM - 09:05 AM  |  The Loft

Nick Baily, From Day One, co-founder

09:05 AM - 09:35 AM
Fireside Chat: Hollywood Makes a Difference in the Real World
09:05 AM - 09:35 AM  |  The Loft

How Participant Media has pioneered a new wave of socially conscious entertainment–and leveraged its powerful stories to challenge the status quo.

Holly Gordon, Participant Media, chief impact officer, interviewed by Joel Stein, author and columnist

09:35 AM - 10:15 AM
Panel: Getting Bias Out of Our Systems
09:35 AM - 10:15 AM  |  The Loft

In real-life workplaces, the stories we tell, and the images we create, diversity has become the new watchword. But real inclusivity goes further, not only in attracting diverse people but also casting them in roles that go beyond the usual stereotypes. What are the insights and practices that will bring progress?

Kristena Hatcher, CAA, HR executive – inclusion & diversity
Marion Brooks, Novartis, VP and U.S. country head, diversity and inclusion
Liji Thomas, Southern California Edison, head of diversity and inclusion
Ilit Raz, Joonko, founder and CEO
Alex Seiler, Control Risks, partner – head of human resources, Americas

Moderator: Carolina Miranda, Los Angeles Times, staff writer

10:15 AM - 10:40 AM
Coffee Break
10:15 AM - 10:40 AM  |  The Lounge
10:40 AM - 11:20 AM
Panel: Crafting a Corporate Culture That Means Something
10:40 AM - 11:20 AM  |  The Loft

What makes it authentic to the company’s roots and current mission? How does it weave itself into all aspects of company life, from people to products, and into the surrounding community? How do companies update their culture to be responsive to changing times?

Elizabeth A. Morrison, Live Nation, VP of diversity and belonging
Ronald Reeves, AIG, head, diversity & inclusion – U.S., Canada, Latin America & Caribbean
Meagan Dorsch, Visible, Head of Social Good
Bernie C. Knobbe, AECOM, head of global benefits
Sarah Townsend, USC, Assistant Professor of Business Administration

Moderator: Margot Roosevelt, Los Angeles Times

11:25 AM - 11:55 AM
Keynote: Open Source: The Future of Leadership
11:25 AM - 11:55 AM  |  The Loft

Almost everything we knew as normal in both business and social life has changed dramatically just in the last 15 years. We now live and work in the age of 24/7 connectivity, where knowledge is free and abundant, everyone is empowered, and virtually everything is transparent. Yet individuals and organizations are still using tools and frameworks built for times when knowledge was scarce, talent seemingly limited, and privacy still possible.

To succeed and thrive in this new era, our thoughts and actions must also become open source. What that means is that many of today's management norms need to be turned upside down, including such cherished concepts as democratic leadership, stretch goals, management surveys, and succession planning. In the future, for example, innovation will be crowdsourced.

Drawing on research spanning 28 countries and 16,000 executives, Rajeev Peshawaria, CEO of the Asia-based Iclif Leadership and Governance Centre, will reveal the inconvenient truths around current practices and show how leaders can adopt a mindset of changing faster than change itself. The session is an interactive exchange, based on the Wall Street Journal bestseller Open Source Leadership: Reinventing Management When There’s No More Business As Usual.

Rajeev Peshawaria, The Iclif Leadership And Governance Centre, chief executive officer & executive director

11:25 AM - 11:55 AM
Panel: Growing Tomorrow's Workforce in the Community
11:25 AM - 11:55 AM  |  Sunset Room

Jobs of the future will call for a fresh set of skills. But today's youth in underserved communities can be prepared for tomorrow's challenges, thanks to a partnership of schools, nonprofits and major employers in the Port of Los Angeles business community. We offer a case study in creating opportunity.

Amy Grat, EXP, CEO
Bob Devine, Marathon Petroleum, major projects manager, Los Angeles refinery
Arley Baker, Port of Los Angeles, senior director, communications
Rob Antrobius, Prologis, senior vice president, market officer - Los Angeles

Moderator: Rachel Uranga, Journalist

11:55 AM - 12:15 PM
Coffee Break
11:55 AM - 12:15 PM  |  The Lounge
12:15 PM - 01:00 PM
Breakout Session: Creating a Data Driven D&I Strategy
12:15 PM - 01:00 PM  |  Wilshire Room

78% of talent leaders say diversity is the most important trend shaping the future of recruiting and hiring (LinkedIn) and 67% of jobseekers say diverse workforce is important when evaluating job offers (Glassdoor). Do you feel satisfied your current D&I strategy?

In this session we’ll discuss top-of-funnel steps you can take to achieve D&I goals for your organization.
1.Understanding diversity inside your company for different functions/roles.
2.Understanding diversity at competitors and regionally for functions/roles.
3.Using data to engage with hiring managers to set realistic D&I goals.
4.Strategically sourcing to ensure that top-of-funnel is appropriately diverse.
5.Reducing unconscious bias throughout the hiring process.
6.Messaging tactics to engage and hire diverse candidates.

We will use concrete examples and tools to showcase above steps and discuss how technology/AI can be your ally in achieving your organization’s D&I goals.

Anoop Gupta, SeekOut, Co-Founder & CEO

12:15 PM - 01:00 PM
Breakout Session: Understanding Your Emotional Intelligence: The Art and Science of Human Performance
12:15 PM - 01:00 PM  |  Melrose Room

As AI, AR/VR, robotics, and other technologies automate and augment tasks typically done by humans, workers are increasingly expressing a desire for more “human” workplaces. To achieve this, the workforce of the future will need to be adaptable, collaborative, and inclusive. Underpinning these qualities is a cluster of skills that influences every workplace decision and interaction: Emotional Intelligence (EI).

Emotional intelligence more than HR speak; it’s based on years of psychology and neuroscience research. In this interactive session, Dr. Jarik Conrad will break down the science behind EI, provide practical tools for personal and professional growth, and share strategies to help your organization become more human.

Dr. Jarik Conrad, HCM innovation, Ultimate Software Group, senior director

12:15 PM - 01:00 PM
Breakout Session: Decoding and Curing Tricky Culture Issues
12:15 PM - 01:00 PM  |  Sunset Room

Do you know which tricky culture issues are trending in your workplace?

Respect, inclusion and ethics are foundational to any healthy workplace culture. Obviously there are many other culture components aside from these, but without respect, inclusion and ethics, other cultural characteristics are building from a shaky foundation.

The opposite of respect, inclusion and ethics is harassment, bias, and ethical mishaps. These are bad outcomes that have historically been opaque to company leaders until they reach crisis level. We have not had data or visibility into the precursors of these bad outcomes.

With modern technology and a new approach, we can make the opaque visible and decode tricky culture issues to reveal specific situational dynamics that the data shows will lead to bad outcomes.

Janine Yancey, Founder and CEO of Emtrain, will share her team’s analysis of over 2 million data points from 20,000 employees about their perceptions of unhealthy situational dynamics and how some metrics predict healthy and unhealthy workplace cultures.

Some perception metrics include:

Tribalism (us v. them) and power disparity issues create the most number of conflicts across all respondents

46% of respondents say it would take 1-2 "Yellow" incidents/week for them to disengage/spin out (defined by Emtrain’s Workplace Color Spectrum™)

The highest rated workplace cultures have managers who understand the implications of power disparity and its impact

Come to this session and you will walk away with a framework to decode and cure your tricky culture issues. This session will provide you tools to:

Introduce a shared workforce language (Emtrain’s Workplace Color Spectrum™) to ensure everyone’s understanding the same actions (e.g., one person’s version of ‘harassment’ is different than another person’s understanding)

Use a framework to unpack bad outcomes into more visible, measurable situational dynamics

A list of questions you can use in your own organization as a diagnostic to benchmark your risk for tricky culture issues

Be prepared to learn and get your free copy of Emtrain’s Workplace Color Spectrum™ and other diagnostic tools.

Janine Yancey, Emtrain, founder & CEO

01:00 PM - 01:50 PM
01:00 PM - 01:50 PM  |  The Lounge

Sponsored by Cornerstone OnDemand

01:50 PM - 02:35 PM
Breakout Session: How the Next Generation Is the Bridge You Need to Integrate Your Team and Your Company's Purpose
01:50 PM - 02:35 PM  |  Wilshire Room

Millennials and their successors, Gen Z, are having an undeniable impact on society, purchasing decisions, innovation and yes, the workplace. Yet few companies have turned to this powerful demographic force as an engine for integrating purpose across their organizations. Join Brittany Hill, founder and CEO of Accelerist, to explore the purpose-driven mindset of young workers and ways to leverage their desire for change. Learn how to create advocates for corporate social responsibility (CSR) and channel their energy. Discover how Champions of Change have started movements inside and outside their companies. On a range of crucial business goals-recruiting top talent, identifying issues, building a culture of inclusion-the next generation will produce vital players. Their strengths are key to elevating your CSR efforts.

Brittany Hill, Accelerist, founder and CEO and Chris Hortinela, Vitamin Angels, senior manager, CSR partnerships

01:50 PM - 02:35 PM
Breakout Session: Connecting Culture to Financial Results: The Impact and Most Important Number for HR
01:50 PM - 02:35 PM  |  Melrose Room

What is most important? It is a simple question, yet it can be difficult to answer. How can your People Team directly link to what is most important to the business?

In this highly interactive workshop, you work in teams to identify the Most Important Numbers, Metrics and Drivers that directly connect the work of the People team to the revenue and results of the business.

Walk away:

Defining how each practice area of the People team can create the most value for the business
Quantifying the greatest drivers in the People function that directly impact revenue
Formulate how your team can position their value for greater resources and visibility

Stacie Mallen, Execute to Win, principal consultant

01:50 PM - 02:35 PM
Breakout Session: The Human Side of Transformation
01:50 PM - 02:35 PM  |  Sunset Room

People are the most powerful drivers of a company's strategy yet most transformation efforts continue to rely on technology and process change to drive outcomes. Together, we will explore the science behind lasting behavior change and engage in a hands-on activity to define the mindsets, skills and behaviors needed to execute your company’s strategy. In this strategic working session, you will:
- Explore the research behind lasting behavior change
- Use an evidence-based approach to identify behaviors, mindsets and skills required to realize your company’s strategy
- Assess your company’s capability and readiness to drive transformational change

By Karen Lai, BetterUp, VP client partners

02:35 PM - 02:50 PM
Coffee Break
02:35 PM - 02:50 PM  |  The Lounge
02:50 PM - 03:20 PM
Fireside Chat: What Kindness Has to Do With Inclusivity
02:50 PM - 03:20 PM  |  The Loft

The dean of social sciences at UCLA illuminates the goals of the new Kindness Institute and offers insights from the school's authoritative Hollywood Diversity Report.

Darnell Hunt, UCLA, dean and professor, interviewed by Steve Koepp, co-founder, From Day One

03:25 PM - 04:05 PM
Panel: How Have Workplaces Changed Since #MeToo?
03:25 PM - 04:05 PM  |  The Loft

Studies are finding that sexual harassment has eased, but is there a subtle backlash going on? How are companies making sure progress continues? If more inclusivity is the next step, how can that be made to happen?

Rebecca Port, Netflix, VP talent
Zev Eigen, Syndio, founder and Chief Data Scientist
Neta Meidav, Vault Platform, CEO
Jessica Childress, Childress Firm PLLC, managing attorney and founder
Mandy Bynum Mc Laughlin, New Relic, head of global diversity, equity and inclusion

Moderator: Stacy Perman, Los Angeles Times, staff writer

04:10 PM - 05:00 PM
Workshop: New ways to foster critical conversations about difference and equality
04:10 PM - 05:00 PM  |  The Loft

The ReadySet Ally Skills workshop positions people of color and their allies to successfully undertake allyship at work and beyond. By illustrating the stakes of allyship in tech and industries—as well as practical tools that can be used to achieve it—this training provides an optimal way to foster healthy workplaces for the growing number of womxn, queer, and transgender people of color in tech.

Through a combination of learning and development, small and large group discussions, and skill acquisition sessions, this workshop will provide new ways to foster critical conversations about difference and equality. The training provides concrete, actionable tools to empower employees and leaders to advocate for themselves and others.

Willie Jackson, ReadySet, diversity, equity, and inclusion consultant

05:00 PM - 05:05 PM
Closing Remarks
05:00 PM - 05:05 PM  |  The Loft

Steve Koepp, From Day One, co-founder

05:05 PM - 06:05 PM
Evening Reception
05:05 PM - 06:05 PM  |  The Lounge