08:30 AM
09:15 AM
08:30 AM
09:15 AM
South Hall
09:15 AM
09:20 AM
Opening Remarks
09:15 AM
09:20 AM
Nick Baily, From Day One, co-founder
09:20 AM
09:50 AM
Fireside Chat: Big Tech and Everything in Its Path
09:20 AM
09:50 AM
How the industry that started in a quiet suburb brought astonishing triumphs, as well as often devastating second-order effects. What are Big Tech's obligations to society?
Margaret O’Mara, author of The Code: Silicon Valley and the Remaking of America, interviewed by Steve Koepp, From Day One co-founder
09:50 AM
10:30 AM
Panel: Getting Bias Out of Our Systems
09:50 AM
10:30 AM
In real-life workplaces, the stories we tell, and the images we create, diversity has become the new watchword. But real inclusivity goes further, not only in attracting diverse people but also casting them in roles that go beyond the usual stereotypes. What are the insights and practices that will bring progress?
Vickey Montgomery Timmons, Google, diversity and business partner
Shinder Dhillon, Fortive, vice president, inclusion and diversity
Charlotte Flanagan, DocuSign Inc, director, diversity & inclusion, HR
Javier Barrientos, T-Mobile, director, diversity & inclusion
Amy Lou Abernethy, Amp Creative, CEO and chief learning strategist
Enrique Cerna, KCTS 9, veteran journalist
10:30 AM
10:55 AM
Coffee Break
10:30 AM
10:55 AM
South Hall
10:55 AM
11:35 AM
Panel: Creating a Healthy Work Environment
10:55 AM
11:35 AM
Demanding jobs in innovative industries put stress on employees. But who’s got their backs? Leaders boost morale and productivity when they show concern for the health and well-being of their workers. Mental health has become a higher priority. What strategies and programs have been the most effective?
Roger Dowdy, Providence St. Joseph Health, vice president, mental health strategy
Kate Zimberg, F5 Networks Inc, vice president, talent & organizational capability
Deborah Drechsel, Expedia Group, global director, learning delivery
Teresa Blake, One Medical, regional medical director
Michaela Doelman, Washington State Department of Enterprise Services, assistant director, workforce support and development division
Rob Smith, Seattle Business magazine, editor in chief
11:35 AM
11:55 AM
Coffee Break
11:35 AM
11:55 AM
South Hall
11:55 AM
12:35 PM
Breakout Session: Achieving a Transformative Hiring Strategy
11:55 AM
12:35 PM
Lecture Hall
A look into the key talent metrics you should be measuring and strategies to achieve those metrics so you can take your recruiting strategy to the next level in 2020. Featuring Lever’s latest research on industry benchmarks, you’ll learn key findings for sourcing, hiring, and conversions while focusing on diversity and inclusion at your organization. We’ll cover every metric needed to transform your hiring, and how to use them to effect change, so you gain the reach of a marketer, the forecast of a sales leader, and the insights of a finance leader. You’ll get answers to questions like:
-Is sourcing an efficient channel for making hires?
-How do you achieve optimal sourcing response rates?
-What roles are the most difficult to fill?
Mike Bailen, Lever, VP People
11:55 AM
12:35 PM
Breakout Session: Build and Retain Engaged Teams: The Key to Unlocking Maximum Productivity
11:55 AM
12:35 PM
Arnold Boardroom
Retaining your top talent is paramount for growing your organization and reaching those yearly targets. Join Emplify co-founder, Adam Weber, to:
Learn proven methods and best practices for retaining team members.
Understand what actually motivates your employees and how to foster that within your culture.
Learn the simple, actionable process you can immediately implement in your organization for optimum employee engagement.
Hear real-life examples and success stories from companies implementing these strategies for unprecedented business results.
Adam Weber, Emplify, CPO and co-founder
11:55 AM
12:35 PM
Breakout Session: Fixing Mentoring to Build Diverse Leadership for Tomorrow
11:55 AM
12:35 PM
Taste Cafe
Breakout Session: Fixing Mentoring to Build Diverse Leadership for Tomorrow
67% of women rate mentorship as critical to advancing their careers and Gen Z ranks mentoring as the 2nd most important benefit after healthcare – yet mentoring is failing women and other under-represented populations. Join us as Anna Robinson, former McKinsey partner and CEO & Founder of Ceresa, shares proprietary research and insights from Ceresa’s extensive work on leadership development for diverse talent at world-leading companies. Learn practically how to design radically better mentorship programs - delivering the transformative support diverse emerging leaders need, while delivering real business returns, enhancing leadership & retaining top talent.
Anna Robinson, Ceresa, CEO & Founder
12:40 PM
01:30 PM
12:40 PM
01:30 PM
South Hall
01:30 PM
02:15 PM
Breakout Session: The Human Side of Transformation
01:30 PM
02:15 PM
Lecture Hall
People are the most powerful drivers of a company's strategy yet most transformation efforts continue to rely on technology and process change to drive outcomes. Together, we will explore the science behind lasting behavior change and engage in a hands-on activity to define the mindsets, skills and behaviors needed to execute your company’s strategy. In this strategic working session, you will:
- Explore the research behind lasting behavior change
- Use an evidence-based approach to identify behaviors, mindsets and skills required to realize your company’s strategy
- Assess your company’s capability and readiness to drive transformational change
Dr. Marissa Berman, BetterUp, solutions consultant
01:30 PM
02:15 PM
Breakout Session: Creating an experience-driven onboarding journey
01:30 PM
02:15 PM
Arnold Boardroom
The days of process-driven onboarding are over. Experience-driven onboarding is the new way businesses onboard. This workshop will empower you to build and own amazing onboarding experiences that drive engagement, spark human connection and create moments that matter.
This Enboarder workshop dives deep into building out the experience-driven onboarding journey and beyond. After this session, you will walk away with the skills to build scalable human onboarding experiences that supercharge your business by boosting engagement, retention, productivity, employer and brand culture while empowering and coaching your hiring managers.
Jacquelyn DeBonville, Enboarder, customer success director
01:30 PM
02:15 PM
Breakout Session: A Peek Inside the Mind of a Complete Leader: Tools to Catapult the Success of Your Leaders
01:30 PM
02:15 PM
Taste Cafe
Arming you and your leaders with proven, on-the-go tools will enable complete leadership development to happen even for the busiest managers. Using the acclaimed LEAD NOW! Leadership Development Model and recent neuroleadership studies, you will learn how to fix lopsided leadership so your leaders can focus on leading change and developing people, while still achieving business results. This highly interactive and engaging session will help you discover what effective leadership looks like in a constantly changing marketplace, identify the necessary leadership behaviors required to build and manage key relationships, and leave you with a simple, results-driven action plan to build your organization's leaders!
Peter Stewart, PhD, Stewart Leadership, Managing Director
02:25 PM
03:05 PM
Panel: The Company in the Community
02:25 PM
03:05 PM
Prosperous companies have begun investing in responses to community needs, including job training, health care, education, disaster relief and other humanitarian efforts. How does a company decide what role fits its values and competencies? What's the best way to work with government and nonprofits?
Rebekah Bastian, Zillow Group, VP community and culture
Mark Horoszowski, MovingWorlds, CEO & co-founder
Cassandra Mitchell, KeyBank, vice president and corporate responsibility officer
Kim Vu, Remitly, global head of diversity, equity & inclusion
Herb Weisbaum, KOMO Radio, consumer reporter
03:20 PM
04:00 PM
Panel: How Have Workplaces Changed Since #MeToo?
03:20 PM
04:00 PM
Studies are finding that sexual harassment has eased, but is there a subtle backlash going on? How are companies making sure progress continues? If more inclusivity is the next step, how can that be made to happen?
Maria Calacurcio, Syndio, CEO
Denise Busch, Edelman, SVP, diversity & inclusion
Jean Craciun, Diversity Center of Seattle, founder
Frances Dujon-Reynolds, Girl Scouts of Western Washington, VP of people and culture
Rob McKenna, WiLD Leaders, Inc., Founder
Florangela Davila, news director, KNKX 88.5 FM
04:00 PM
04:50 PM
Workshop: New ways to foster critical conversations about difference and equality
04:00 PM
04:50 PM
The ReadySet Ally Skills workshop positions people of color and their allies to successfully undertake allyship at work and beyond. By illustrating the stakes of allyship in tech and industries—as well as practical tools that can be used to achieve it—this training provides an optimal way to foster healthy workplaces for the growing number of womxn, queer, and transgender people of color in tech.
Through a combination of learning and development, small and large group discussions, and skill acquisition sessions, this workshop will provide new ways to foster critical conversations about difference and equality. The training provides concrete, actionable tools to empower employees and leaders to advocate for themselves and others.
Willie Jackson, ReadySet, diversity, equity, and inclusion consultant
04:50 PM
04:55 PM
Closing Remarks
04:50 PM
04:55 PM
Steve Koepp, From Day One, co-founder
04:55 PM
05:55 PM
Evening Reception
04:55 PM
05:55 PM
South Hall
03:05 PM
03:20 PM
Coffee Break
03:05 PM
03:20 PM
South Hall