Employees Strike Back: a Look at the New Worker Moment

BY Emily Nonko | September 24, 2022

How influential is labor becoming in corporate American? A case in point: When the pandemic hit, Sara Nelson, the head of the largest flight attendants’ union, joined a meeting with five airline CEOs discussing how to save the industry. The Association of Flight Attendants-CWA chief presented the union’s demands, including a halt on stock buybacks and a cap on executive compensation. “They agreed to those things quickly and we made that happen,” Nelson said. “That was from a union demand.”

Nelson told that story during this week’s Fast Company Innovation Festival on a panel titled “Employees Strike Back: A Look at the New Worker Moment.” She was joined by Christian Smalls, the celebrated president of the Amazon Labor Union, and Saket Soni, the founder of Resilience Force, an organization that supports workers who rebuild after environmental disasters. Together they discussed the growing workers movement, how to unionize, why it’s important, and the need to reframe and value so-called “unskilled labor.”

So what’s behind the broader worker’s movement? As Nelson summed it up at the beginning of the panel: “Unchecked capitalism is no way to live.” The panelists agreed that the Covid pandemic put a spotlight on the economy’s essential workers and the unsafe, unfair working conditions they often have to navigate. “The pandemic definitely was a catalyst for a lot of these efforts,” said Smalls, who was fired in the middle of the pandemic. “I realized I was disposable after I poured my blood, sweat and tears into this company.”

Soni described the process of organizing marginalized workers in the disaster-recovery industry. “The organizing happens deep in disaster zones, often in parking lots or falling-down buildings, and it’s slow work with people who are in the margins of labor law,” he said. “But these are the people who are at the center of recovery and believe they are the white blood cells of America’s preparation and recovery.”

When it comes to popular sentiment about worker rights and protections, Smalls pointed to a Gallup study released this summer that found that 71% of Americans approve of labor unions, the highest figure since 1965. “The numbers don’t lie,” he said.

Speaking on labor, from left: moderator Morgan Clendaniel of Fast Company and speakers Sara Nelson, Christian Smalls, and Saket Soni (Photo by Emily Nonko for From Day One)

The panelists talked about engaging corporate CEOs and what they want executive leadership to know about the movement. Nelson asserted that unionizations can “bring power back to CEOs” who have increasingly lost it to the demands of shareholders. Smalls offered a different perspective, saying that “CEOs should expect that workers will fight back.”

Soni stressed that executive leadership needs to revisit how it deems certain workers “unskilled.” Disaster recovery workers, he said, “are highly skilled, deeply responsible workers.” Nelson boiled it down for the audience: “It’s about who made the mess, and who does the cleanup,” she said. “It’s time for women, people of color, and young people to lead.”

The panelists called for more white-collar workers to get involved the movement. “Tech workers have a direct line of communication to upper management, as opposed to what we have in the warehouse,” said Smalls. “For them, it’s even more important that they speak up when they see us complaining about what’s happening in the warehouses and the working conditions.”

The movement needs more government buy-in to support and advance unions, the speakers said. “There’s an incredibly low bar, we’re only able to have some grounding to move forward [in the Biden Administration] as opposed to having the administration completely against us,” said Nelson. “But this administration, franky, is risk averse, and we need to make the CEOs and the billionaires risk averse.”

When it comes to the climate crisis and disaster recovery, Soni added, “We live in a calcified country that is not prepared and not adaptive to the future,” he said. “What it takes to be adaptive to the future are the kind of workers I represent, resilient workers, and they’re hanging by a thread.” He proposed a 1-million-person strong resilience force, with full working protections and liveable wages in place, working to make homes and infrastructure resilient and secure.

The discussion ended on an agreement of the importance of workers realizing their power–and taking action to organize at a propitious moment. “Unions are a check on everything,” Nelson said. “If you’re tired of pension defaults from mainstream stock buybacks, build your union. If you believe health care is a human right, build your union. If you believe women are equal with men, build your union. And if you just want to tell your boss to kiss your ass, build your union.”

Emily Nonko is a freelance journalist based in Brooklyn, NY. In addition to writing for From Day One, her work has been published in Next City, the Wall Street Journal, the Guardian and other publications.