
The New Hybrid Back-to-work Style: What's Optimal–and What's Fair?

As employers bring workers back to offices, many employees will want to retain the best parts of working remotely. In making that happen, what will be the best practices for both employers and workers? How far can flexibility go? Should teams rotate into the office by day, or by week? What will be fair for working parents, single employees, and other workers? In a hybrid environment, what are the best ways to maintain corporate culture, career development, and inclusion?


From Day One is a Recertification Provider for SHRM and HRCI. This session is eligible for 1 PDC. The Activity ID will be sent to attendees after the conclusion of the session.

This session is hosted by the From Day One editorial team and moderated by Lydia Dishman, contributing editor at Fast Company, with support from Bravely and KettleSpace.