08:30 AM
09:30 AM
08:30 AM
09:30 AM
Grand Hall
09:30 AM
09:35 AM
Opening Remarks
09:30 AM
09:35 AM
Brown Theater
09:35 AM
09:55 AM
How It All Fits Together: Hiring, Equity, Advocacy, and Community (Fireside Chat)
09:35 AM
09:55 AM
Brown Theater
Cisco Systems, with 80,000 employees, has created a culture in which purposeful work, DEI, and social impact relate to one another in a way that makes it one of the best places to work.
Brian Tippens, SVP, Chief Social Impact Officer, Cisco Systems
Briana Conner, Reporter/Anchor, ABC13 Houston
10:05 AM
10:25 AM
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Recognition in a Hybrid Workforce (Thought Leadership Spotlight)
10:05 AM
10:25 AM
Brown Theater
With changing needs of the employees and organizations, the policies and programs are moving towards a direction that not only keeps the workforce engaged but also considers the future aspiration of the workforce. Creating a collaborative work environment has challenged many businesses as the workforce continues to operate in a VUCA environment. If organizations can recognize employees’ needs, work, and contributions, it becomes much easier to create a healthy environment which can lead to a smoother path to achieving business goals. Uncover some great strategies for designing recognition programs for your workforce in 2023.
Matthew Willis, Senior Vice President, North America, Advantage Club
10:25 AM
10:45 AM
Coffee Break
10:25 AM
10:45 AM
Grand Hall
10:50 AM
11:30 AM
After Three Years of Crisis, What Will Keep Employees Engaged and Motivated? (Panel)
10:50 AM
11:30 AM
Brown Theater
When workers had to respond and adapt quickly to the pandemic and new ways of working, they focused on coping and survival. But with many workers suffering burnout in the aftermath, what new approaches can employers take to bring a sense of renewed purpose and spirit of community? How can managers respond to workers who seem sick and tired of adapting–and yearn for a period of stability?
Richie Malone, Vice President, Future Organization, BP
Paula Harris, SVP, Community Affairs, and Executive Director, Astros Foundation, Houston Astros
Mindy Fitzgerald, Global Director of Diversity, Culture, and Engagement, Air Products
Lamonica Spivey, Inclusion, Diversity & Corporate Social Responsibility Director, TechnipFMC
Rebecca Taylor, Co-Founder, SkillSurvey
Paul Pavlou, PhD, Dean and Cullen Distinguished Chair Professor, C.T. Bauer College of Business, University of Houston
11:40 AM
12:25 PM
The Significance of the Five Pillars of Belonging (Workshop)
11:40 AM
12:25 PM
Education Center A
Research shows that for organizations looking to improve the employee experience, creating conditions for belonging have an immediate and lasting effect. Employees who feel a sense of belonging are more engaged and have higher job satisfaction, better mental health, and improved productivity. In this interactive session, Emily Pearce of Achievers will share a tactical, practical perspective on how to ensure that every employee feels Welcomed, Known, Included, Supported, and Connected.
Emily Pearce, Director, Global Customer Care, Achievers
11:40 AM
12:25 PM
The High-Impact Way to Attract Non-traditional and Diverse Talent (Workshop)
11:40 AM
12:25 PM
Education Center C
Every company is a tech company. Maintaining a competitive edge begins and ends with how diverse talent and innovation is fostered, created, and developed. How can qualified, non-degreed, and diverse entry-level talent be sourced for your tech teams? And what can companies do to retain in-demand talent and build a sense of belonging across their workforce? NPower is a national, nonprofit, technology-training organization, expanding to Houston this spring. They bridge the skills gap for young adults and military-connected individuals from underserved communities and help them launch thriving careers. You’ll learn how NPower’s program can help your company tap into emerging local talent and you’ll hear from a major corporate employer and an alumnus of NPower.
Jonathan Pride, Executive Director, NPower Texas
Innocent Ehimegbe, NPower Alumnus, Apprentice, Personal Banking and Wealth Managements, Citi
Sarah Janes, Associate Vice Chancellor, San Jacinto College
Dana Morrow Branch, Senior Vice President, Technology Product Manager & AI/ML Model Development Lead, Bank of America
12:25 PM
01:15 PM
12:25 PM
01:15 PM
Grand Hall / The Cafe
01:15 PM
02:00 PM
Resilience Before the Rally: 2023 Trends in Corporate Social Responsibility (Workshop)
01:15 PM
02:00 PM
Education Center A
Purpose and social impact play an increasingly significant role in a variety of business metrics like brand reputation, revenue, employee retention, and more. Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is no longer a “nice to have” in today’s landscape, and companies that want to thrive in 2023 will need to recognize the value CSR brings to their business health, workforce, and community. Join Accelerist’s CEO and founder as she uncovers 2023 trends in CSR that can help your company flourish.
Brittany Hill, Co-Founder & CEO, Accelerist
Jamie Spiva, Interim Chief Development Officer, Houston SPCA
Anissa Cordova, Director, Development, Houston Habitat for Humanity
01:15 PM
02:00 PM
Belonging Is Broken: an Intervention to Strengthen Your Organization’s Culture (Workshop)
01:15 PM
02:00 PM
Education Center C
This interactive and immersive session is an “inclusion intervention” for leaders who are looking to cultivate and strengthen their organization’s culture of belonging. Because where there is belonging, there is high performance, highly engaged employees, psychological safety, and the freedom to be authentic. But when belonging is broken in an organization, however, the opposite is true. In this session, you’ll gain insight about enhancing belonging by eradicating ineffective DEI practices; recognizing the consequences of excluding some in an attempt to include others; and embedding belonging at the team and organizational level. And much more.
Teresa Hopke, CEO, Talking Talent, Inc
Renu Sachdeva, Head of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, Talking Talent
02:05 PM
02:45 PM
Employing the Skills of Empathic Leadership to Unlock Employee Potential and Lift Productivity (Panel)
02:05 PM
02:45 PM
Brown Theater
The Covid era has taught us that what employees experience in life can, and likely will, impact their work and teams. But when managers employ the skills of empathic leadership, tuning into the personal and professional lives of their employees, teams perform better and employees are much more productive. How can managers stay connected with the life events and stresses of employees–and respond accordingly to push goals forward with empathy and flexibility? What kinds of coaching can help managers recognize boundaries and be considerate about privacy?
A.. Denise Malloy, Global VP, Diversity & Inclusion, Johnson Controls
Pedro Neiva Botelho, HR Director, Total Talent Management, Schlumberger
Julie Hulet Keller, Executive HR Director, Baker Hughes
Debi Yadegari, Founder and CEO, Villyge
Hailey Herleman, PhD, VP of Client Partnerships, BetterUp
Shelby Stewart, News Editor, Houstonia
02:50 PM
03:10 PM
Workforce Predictions: Are You Ahead or Behind? (Thought Leadership Spotlight)
02:50 PM
03:10 PM
Brown Theater
Everything we know about work is changing. The speed of business and technology demands a revolution in the way we connect people to their work. We must understand and honor the full capabilities of our existing employees, turning them into cross-functional talent, and quickly keep pace with the changing demands internally and across industries–no matter the economy or trends.
Katie Hall, CEO, Claira
03:10 PM
03:30 PM
Coffee Break
03:10 PM
03:30 PM
Grand Hall
03:35 PM
04:15 PM
Making Health and Well-Being a Core Value at Work–for Real (Panel)
03:35 PM
04:15 PM
Brown Theater
Most employers now say they support a whole-life approach to employee well-being. Yet it’s just lip service if the culture doesn’t allow workers to take PTO, sabbaticals, and other breaks without fear for their standing and career advancement. What can management do to truly embolden employees to build time and personal activities into their lives for well-being, whether it’s scheduled or spontaneous? What kinds of innovative approaches can companies pursue, ranging from new health benefits to improved work practices?
Michele Gest, SVP, Total Rewards, LyondellBasell
Lucho Vizcardo, Head of International HR, Western Hemisphere, Nabors Industries
Kojo Mensah-Bonsu, Global Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, CDW
Jamie Walsh, Benefits & Risk Consultant, Anco Insurance
Matthew Kitchen, Editorial Director, Chron, Houston Chronicle
04:20 PM
04:40 PM
Rallying 30,000 Workers Around the Great Energy Transition (Fireside Chat)
04:20 PM
04:40 PM
Brown Theater
How employees of the Houston-based global engineering giant are building the energy future–undersea and above ground–as a mission of innovation and sustainability.
Rachel Clingman, Executive Vice President, Sustainability & Governance, McDermott
Shern-Min Chow, Anchor, KHOU 11 News
04:40 PM
04:45 PM
Closing Remarks
04:40 PM
04:45 PM
Brown Theater
04:45 PM
05:30 PM
Evening Reception
04:45 PM
05:30 PM
Grand Hall