August Virtual: Pursuing Higher Productivity With Human Factors in Mind

Wednesday, August 28, 2024


Pursuing Higher Productivity With Human Factors in Mind

In a competitive and uncertain climate, most companies need to do more with less. Yet if workers are their greatest asset, employers need to make sure the push for greater output is sustainable. What is the latest thinking about how to measure productivity, the means for stimulating it, and ensuring that workers have the energy to meet their goals–as well as thrive over the long run?

From Day One is a Recertification Provider for SHRM and HRCI. This session is eligible for 3 credits from both organizations. The Activity IDs will be sent to attendees after the conclusion of the session.


Boosting Employee Motivation for Increased Productivity 

Many employees need motivation to feel good about their work, and in turn, be productive. But motivation is not a one-size-fits all matter. What approaches can leaders employ to gain a deeper understanding of the unique motivations and preferences of their workforce? How can organizations tailor their motivation strategies to effectively engage both remote and on-site employees, fostering productivity and overall satisfaction?

Lifting Productivity: How HR Can Show Workers the Way

The techniques are out there: establishing priorities, setting daily goals, reducing distractions, setting boundaries, collaborating with colleagues, clarifying ambiguities. Yet many employees haven’t worked these best practices into their daily routines. How can HR help by providing managers and workers with the right tools, training, and inspiration?

How High-performing Workplaces Can Show Compassion Too

A competitive, innovative business can be a demanding place to work. Yet employee engagement, productivity, and retention depend on empathy and compassion–especially when workers are expected to take certain risks and deliver maximum effort. What does this kind of sensitivity look like in a workplace with high expectations? How can employers ensure productivity is supported and burnout is avoided?