08:30 AM
09:30 AM
08:30 AM
09:30 AM
2nd Floor Landing
09:20 AM
09:25 AM
Opening Remarks
09:20 AM
09:25 AM
Feinberg Theater
09:25 AM
09:30 AM
A Word From Our Title Sponsor
09:25 AM
09:30 AM
Feinberg Theater
Gary Benedik, Chief Revenue Officer, Avenica
09:30 AM
09:55 AM
Firing Up the Talent Engines at One of the World’s Largest Airlines (Fireside Chat)
09:30 AM
09:55 AM
Feinberg Theater
Chicago-based United Airlines has grown to more than 90,000 employees, but it needs many more–and the industry is competitive for talent. The airline’s chief of people will cast light on the company’s innovative approaches to recruiting and training its workers–including its own flight school–as well as making mental health and well-being a major focal point.
Kate Gebo, EVP, HR and Labor Relations, United Airlines
Stefan Holt, Anchor, NBC5 News
09:55 AM
10:15 AM
Mapping the Human Genome of Potential (Thought Leadership Spotlight)
09:55 AM
10:15 AM
Feinberg Theater
For more than 500 years, human beings have used resumes to assess the potential of individuals. While it may be tempting to think that the reason we still use them is because they’re a good indicator of future performance, the truth is that we just haven’t found anything better. Yet the reliance on resumes, combined with technology, is a catastrophic combination. Algorithms that scan for keywords, metrics, and skills effectively exclude more than 80% of potential job candidates. What if, instead of relying on an exclusionary demand-side search for skills and themes, we were to use an inclusive, supply-side approach, allowing people to demonstrate their potential? Through data science, performance coaching, and some empathy, we can change the way the world works.
Scott Dettman, CEO, Avenica
10:15 AM
10:20 AM
Session Introduction
10:15 AM
10:20 AM
Feinberg Theater
Tim Conway, Regional VP, Sales, Solstice
10:20 AM
11:00 AM
Manager Effectiveness: Defining It, Measuring It, and Improving It (Panel)
10:20 AM
11:00 AM
Feinberg Theater
Managers are a company’s connective tissue, especially in an evolving workplace. When they perform well, they hold all the parts together, enabling an efficient, collaborative, and healthy workplace. How can companies provide clarity about what their managers can do to be more successful–and offer effective learning-and-development programs to get them there? What are the most important behavioral markers for effective managers, like treating employees with respect and removing obstacles to getting things done? What innovative ways have companies discovered to support their managers, especially in times of uncertainty or crisis?
Kristy Callahan, Head of Learning & Development, GE Healthcare
Jaison Williams, SVP, Talent Management, Capabilities & Culture, Expedia Group
Nicole Poole-McGill, SVP, Talent Development, Digitas North America
Steve Holder, Vice President, Solution Advisory, Visier
Gretchen Jacobi, Senior VP and Head of Enterprise, General Assembly
Alex Maragos, Anchor and Reporter, NBC 5 News Chicago
11:00 AM
11:25 AM
In Case You Get Hit by a Bus: Helping Your Employees Organize Their Lives Now for When They're not Around Later (Thought Leadership Spotlight)
11:00 AM
11:25 AM
Feinberg Theater
Everplans helps employees get the most important documents, policies, benefits, and information in place for themselves and their family, and helps employees organize all this vital information and make sure it’s shared with people in their life who need it. Join us for an overview of how Everplans works, focusing on key areas of planning and organization: important documents, insurance, financial, digital estate, and legacy.
Abby Schneiderman, Co-founder, Co-CEO, Everplans
11:25 AM
11:50 AM
Coffee Break
11:25 AM
11:50 AM
2nd Floor Landing
11:50 AM
12:35 PM
The Power of Feedback: How It can Make or Break Your Employee Experience (Workshop)
11:50 AM
12:35 PM
10th Floor Landmark Room
Recognizing feedback as a valuable gift is essential for fostering successful teams and organizations. This workshop delves into the genuine impact of feedback within organizations, emphasizing its significance and trends. Participants will engage in memorable exercises designed to amplify the importance of feedback and offer practical applications for their respective companies. The session also explores effective methods to seamlessly integrate feedback strategies into teams and entire organizations, drawing inspiration from examples and success stories of companies that have excelled in this practice.
Rob Catalano, Chief Engagement Officer, WorkTango
11:50 AM
12:35 PM
Motivating Beyond Money: Investing in “Emotional Salary” to Engage and Retain (Workshop)
11:50 AM
12:35 PM
4th Floor Rm 423A
Three-quarters of employees would stay longer in a job where they feel supported and valued than one where they do not feel that way but were paid 30% more. Creating a culture where employees feel a strong sense of belonging has true business impact, and there are actions you can take today to improve employee sentiment for every function and level. Learn the non-monetary factors that ensure employees feel adequately rewarded and learn from your peers in a discussion about challenges and best practices.
Caitlin Nobes, Lead Analyst, Achievers Workforce Institute
11:50 AM
12:35 PM
Building Belonging for Everyone (Workshop)
11:50 AM
12:35 PM
4th Floor Rm 423B
Join us for a transformative session exploring workplace belonging—a universal yet often overlooked necessity in many DEI (diversity, equity, and inclusion) initiatives. We’ll uncover how a sense of belonging impacts employee engagement, productivity, and overall well-being. We’ll also discuss the risks a business runs when belonging is broken. Through interactive discussions, real-world examples, and practical exercises, we’ll be sharing knowledge and next steps to help inclusive-minded leaders drive meaningful, measurable systemic change. Attendees will aquire a deeper understanding of the importance of belonging in the workplace and be empowered to own their part in the process, ensuring that everyone in their organization can feel valued, respected, and welcomed.
Teresa Hopke, CEO, Talking Talent, Americas
Renu Sachdeva, Head of Client Solutions, Talking Talent, Americas
12:35 PM
01:25 PM
12:35 PM
01:25 PM
2nd Floor Landing
01:25 PM
02:10 PM
The End of the Transactional Workplace Is Here: The New Work Promise Cultivates a Resilient Organization (Workshop)
01:25 PM
02:10 PM
4th Floor Rm 423B
In a time of rising anxiety and shrinking budgets, maintaining employee engagement and confidence in personal and organizational resilience can feel like a daunting task. In this presentation, based on qualitative and quantitative research conducted by Keystone Partners, we'll discuss key findings: when, where, and what kinds of investments make the greatest impact on employee perceptions of stability, reciprocity, authenticity, empathy, and other leading indicators of individual and organizational resilience. We'll share how to identify these defining moments and discuss how leaders can positively impact resilience with strategic investments in employee development.
Tim Driscoll, Executive Vice President, Sales & Marketing, Keystone Partners
Shawna Simcik, Senior Vice President, Leadership Development, Keystone Partners
01:25 PM
02:10 PM
Leading Change: Brain-Friendly Change-Management Strategies (Workshop)
01:25 PM
02:10 PM
4th Floor Rm 423A
Change is now the norm. We’re living in an era where an organization’s capacity to change quickly and effectively is pivotal to its survival. The challenge? Our brains resist change and crave certainty. LifeLabs Learning is here to help! In this session, you’ll learn science-backed strategies to help companies and employees adapt, accept, and commit to change. You will discover the key skills to lead and reinforce change initiatives; practice your change-messaging skills; and leave with a strategic-change checklist you can use in any situation.
Meghan Pickett, Facilitator, LifeLabs Learning
02:20 PM
02:25 PM
Session introduction
02:20 PM
02:25 PM
Feinberg Theater
Brock C. Schroeder, PH.D., M.B.A, Senior Director of Recruitment, Case Western Reserve University
02:25 PM
03:05 PM
New Voices: Bringing a More Inclusive Approach to Workplace Belonging (Panel)
02:25 PM
03:05 PM
Feinberg Theater
Diverse workplaces are more innovative and productive, so how can employers make sure they're doing everything they can to ensure there is a genuine sense of belonging? What signals can management send to create the psychological safety to speak up–and feel heard? How can managers be trained to listen to their workers, both as individuals and as groups? And what has recent employee activism shown us about how management can be responsive in a mutually beneficial way?
Ekpedeme "Pamay" Bassey, Chief Learning & Diversity Officer, The Kraft Heinz Company
Jeanette Kilo-Smith, Head of Diversity, Inclusion, Equity and Belonging (DIEB), Zurich North America
Melissa Healy, SVP Employee Belonging and Participation Lead, Leo Burnett
DL Morriss, Diversity & Inclusion Partner, Hinshaw & Culbertson
Andrea Cooper, Chief People Officer, Talkspace
John Pletz, Senior Reporter, Crain’s Chicago Business
03:05 PM
03:30 PM
Navigating the Maze: Ensuring Appropriate Care for Employees with Complex Health Conditions (Thought Leadership Spotlight)
03:05 PM
03:30 PM
Feinberg Theater
While they may be small in number, individuals with rare and complex health conditions are spending a large portion of your health plan dollars. Whether it’s due to misdiagnosis, ineffective treatments, or overutilization as they wander from specialist to specialist, their healthcare spend continues to increase and their outcomes often don’t improve. Join Mayo Clinic and Aon for a discussion about how a collaborative approach between employers and their vendors can address these challenges head-on, delivering better outcomes and long-term cost efficiencies for forward-thinking organizations.
Todd Kor, M.D, Anesthesiologist, Associate Medical Director Contracting & Payer Relations, Mayo Clinic
Heidi Guetzkow, Vice President, Aon Health Transformation Team
03:30 PM
03:50 PM
Coffee Break
03:30 PM
03:50 PM
2nd Floor Landing
03:50 PM
03:55 PM
Session Introduction
03:50 PM
03:55 PM
Feinberg Theater
Gianna Bern, Finance Professor, Academic Director, Global Executive MBA Program, University of Notre Dame
03:55 PM
04:35 PM
Cultural Transformation and Meaningful Work: Nurturing a Purpose-Driven Workplace (Panel)
03:55 PM
04:35 PM
Feinberg Theater
In an era of rapid change, purpose-driven environments are increasingly more important. How can leaders navigate cultural shifts within their organizations that prioritizes meaningful work, foster employee satisfaction and belonging, loyalty, and overall well-being? What are the most innovative and essential rewards that can help attract top talent? How can leaders tap into the power of intrinsic motivation to create genuine purpose and fulfillment?
Crystal T. Jones, Head of Talent Acquisition, Americas, John Deere
Mikki Sud, EVP, Global Head of Total Rewards, Jones Lang LaSalle (JLL)
Gus Viano, VP, Global Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, Brink’s
Trevor Bogan, Regional Director, Americas, Top Employers Institute
Kim Quillen, Business Editor, the Chicago Tribune
04:35 PM
05:00 PM
Is Your Corporate Culture Stuck in a Rut? How to Create and Sustain a Growth Mindset to Nurture Talent and Intelligence (Fireside Chat)
04:35 PM
05:00 PM
Feinberg Theater
In a new book based on a decade of research, social psychologist Mary Murphy shows that organizations and teams more geared toward growth inspire deeper learning, spark collaboration, spur innovation, and build trust necessary for risk-taking and inclusion. You’ll hear how this approach has been embraced by companies ranging from Microsoft to Patagonia–and how it transformed them.
Mary C. Murphy, Ph.D., Professor of Psychological and Brain Sciences, Indiana University Bloomington, and author, Cultures of Growth: How the New Science of Mindset Can Transform Individuals, Teams, and Organizations
Steve Koepp, Chief Content Officer and Co-Founder, From Day One
05:00 PM
05:05 PM
A Word From Our Title Sponsor
05:00 PM
05:05 PM
Feinberg Theater
Gary Benedik, Chief Revenue Officer, Avenica
05:05 PM
05:10 PM
Closing Remarks
05:05 PM
05:10 PM
Feinberg Theater
05:10 PM
05:30 PM
Evening Reception
05:10 PM
05:30 PM
2nd Floor Landing