08:30 AM
09:30 AM
08:30 AM
09:30 AM
Lone Star
09:30 AM
09:35 AM
Opening Remarks
09:30 AM
09:35 AM
Music Hall
09:35 AM
09:55 AM
How a Giant Retailer Is Transforming Its Talent Strategy to Stay Ahead of the Competition (Fireside Chat)
09:35 AM
09:55 AM
Music Hall
The iconic retailer 7-Eleven, based in Irving, operates in a labor market where the contention for workers is heavy. The company’s CHRO will illuminate 7-Eleven’s current initiatives for finding, hiring, and retaining workers, as well as maintaining its commitment to diversity, inclusion, and belonging.
Treasa Bowers, EVP & Chief HR Officer, 7-Eleven
Will Anderson, Editor in Chief, Dallas Business Journal
09:55 AM
10:40 AM
Establishing a Well-Being Culture That Actually Works (Panel)
09:55 AM
10:40 AM
Music Hall
Corporate leaders agree that a healthy workplace is an important value. What can employers do to emphasize a culture of well-being within their organization that recognizes the diverse needs of their employees? Leaders can boost morale and productivity when they show they care–and respond with empathetic and effective solutions. What kinds of innovative approaches can companies pursue, ranging from improved work practices to new benefits that support mental health, caregivers in their workforce, financial wellness and more?
Greg Miller, SVP, Talent Management and Human Resources, AccentCare
Dennie Laney, VP, HR, Associa
Michelle Johnson Howard, Diversity and Inclusion Director, Vizient, Inc.
Elena Gambon, Chief Strategy Officer, Chief Growth Officer, First Stop Health
Hope Gladney, Global Lead, Client Relationships, AceUp
Will Maddox, Senior Editor, D CEO Magazine
10:40 AM
11:05 AM
The No-Cost Solution to an Expensive Problem: Employee Turnover (Thought Leadership Spotlight)
10:40 AM
11:05 AM
Music Hall
Employee turnover costs companies in the U.S. more than one trillion dollars a year. One of the triggers for high turnover is employee financial stress. With a turbulent economy and continued high inflation, the American worker is challenged like never before to pay bills on time and make ends meet. In this session, you'll learn how your company can leverage the no-cost financial wellness benefit of earned wage access, to hire faster, retain employees longer, and make a positive impact on your team.
R.W. Holleman, Director Strategic Accounts, DailyPay
11:05 AM
11:30 AM
Coffee Break
11:05 AM
11:30 AM
Lone Star
11:30 AM
12:15 PM
The End of the Transactional Workplace Is Here: the New Work Promise Cultivates a Resilient Organization (Workshop)
11:30 AM
12:15 PM
The Saloon
In a time of rising anxiety and shrinking budgets, maintaining employee engagement and confidence in personal and organizational resilience can feel like a daunting task. In this presentation, based on qualitative and quantitative research conducted by Keystone Partners, we'll discuss key findings: when, where, and what kinds of investments make the greatest impact on employee perceptions of stability, reciprocity, authenticity, empathy, and other leading indicators of individual and organizational resilience. We'll share how to identify these defining moments and discuss how leaders can positively impact resilience with strategic investments in employee development.
Tim Driscoll, EVP, Sales & Marketing, Keystone Partners
Shawna Simcik, SVP, Leadership Development, Keystone Partners
11:30 AM
12:15 PM
Motivating Beyond Money: Investing in “Emotional Salary” to Engage and Retain (Workshop)
11:30 AM
12:15 PM
Three-quarters of employees would stay longer in a job where they feel supported and valued than one where they do not feel that way but were paid 30% more. Creating a culture where employees feel a strong sense of belonging has true business impact, and there are actions you can take today to improve employee sentiment for every function and level. Learn the non-monetary factors that ensure employees feel adequately rewarded and learn from your peers in a discussion about challenges and best practices.
Brie Harvey, Head of Market Research and Community, Achievers
11:30 AM
12:15 PM
Insights to Action: Building High-Performing Teams (Workshop)
11:30 AM
12:15 PM
The Loft
Building and maintaining high-performing teams is essential in today's competitive landscape. This session explores the critical elements that underpin successful teams, incorporating the latest findings from Birkman's research on high-performing teams and enterprise transformation. By merging data-driven insights with core principles of human behavior, we'll offer a clear roadmap for developing teams that are deeply engaged and closely aligned with their organizational culture.
Rob Thompson, Executive Sales Director, Birkman International
12:15 PM
01:15 PM
12:15 PM
01:15 PM
Lone Star
01:25 PM
01:30 PM
Session Introduction
01:25 PM
01:30 PM
Music Hall
Eric Walker, Managing Director, Harvard Group International
01:30 PM
02:10 PM
Making Professional Development a Personalized Experience (Panel)
01:30 PM
02:10 PM
Music Hall
Insightful leaders recognize that learning and development is not just about strategies and tactics, but about the individual employee's mindset, ambition, skills, and desire to grow. How can coaching, mentoring and other development programs be applied in a holistic way, giving more personalized guidance? How can they be made more inclusive? Can this approach bring benefits for the whole organization, including a greater degree of employee engagement?
Amit Sharma, Executive Director, Talent & Career Development Experience, HR, JPMorgan Chase
Mark Benton, VP, HR Corporate Functions, McKesson
Jennifer Chopelas, Head Of HR, Merlin Entertainments Limited
Sarah Sheehan, Co-Founder, President, Bravely
Paul O’Donnell, Former Business Editor, Dallas Morning News
02:10 PM
02:35 PM
Belonging for Everyone: Reimagine the Future of DEI (Thought Leadership Spotlight)
02:10 PM
02:35 PM
Music Hall
Join us to explore workplace belonging, a universal yet often overlooked necessity in many DE&I (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) initiatives. We’ll uncover how a sense of belonging impacts employee engagement, productivity, and overall well-being, and the risks a business runs when belonging is broken. We’ll share knowledge and next steps to help inclusive-minded leaders drive meaningful, measurable, systemic change across the organization. Attendees will leave with a deeper understanding of the importance of belonging in the workplace, and be empowered to own their part in the process, ensuring that everyone in their organization can feel valued, respected, and welcomed.
Renu Sachdeva, Head of Client Solutions, Talking Talent
02:35 PM
03:00 PM
Coffee Break
02:35 PM
03:00 PM
Lone Star
03:00 PM
03:45 PM
Building Upon Workplace Culture Through Recognition, Inclusion, and Belonging (Panel)
03:00 PM
03:45 PM
Music Hall
When employees feel recognized, a workplace culture that supports productivity, loyalty, and overall organizational success can thrive. How can leaders effectively implement programs that go beyond financial incentives to ensure employees feel valued and appreciated? How can employers emphasize a deeper sense of belonging and inclusion through their efforts to recognize talent and their leadership potential? What are some innovative approaches to boost employee engagement in a full range of work environments from the start with talent acquisition as well as throughout the employee journey–and how can leaders measure the effectiveness of these initiatives?
Kalisha Holland, Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer and General Director of Talent Acquisition, BNSF Railway
Kimberly Ardo-Eisenbeis, VP, HR and Recruiting, Allied Universal Security Services
Kaanji Irby, Director of Diversity and Inclusion, Signet Jewelers
Adrian Seligman, Executive Board Member & CCO, Top Employers Institute
Michal Alter, CEO, Co-Founder, Visit.org
Christine Perez, Editor, D CEO Magazine
03:45 PM
04:10 PM
Total Well-Being: Optimizing Benefits for a Diverse Workforce (Fireside Chat)
03:45 PM
04:10 PM
Music Hall
An inside look at the benefits that matter most for a dispersed workforce of 150,000 retail, office workers, and technicians. A total rewards leader from AT&T will shed light on the most innovative and holistic offerings, from virtual mental health care and caregiver leave, to enhanced on-site amenities like wellness clinics and financial advisors.
Stacey Marx, SVP, Total Rewards & HR Technology, AT&T
Lauren Crawford, News Reporter, CBS News Texas
04:10 PM
04:15 PM
Closing Remarks
04:10 PM
04:15 PM
Music Hall
04:15 PM
05:30 PM
Evening Reception
04:15 PM
05:30 PM
Lone Star