September Virtual: Building a Corporate Culture That Workers Can Understand

Wednesday, September 18, 2024


Building a Corporate Culture That Workers Can Understand, Influence and Embrace

Company culture is amorphous yet vital–the shared beliefs, values, traditions and behaviors that drive the actions of individuals and the organization as a whole. Who should be the architects of a company’s culture and how should it be designed and constructed? How should the culture be communicated, broadly and in everyday actions? How should a company start out on a project to evolve its culture in a credible way? 

From Day One is a Recertification Provider for SHRM and HRCI. This session is eligible for 3 credits from both organizations. The Activity IDs will be sent to attendees after the conclusion of the session.


People First: The Crucial Role of Investing in Employees in Challenging Times

By prioritizing investments in their workforce, organizations establish a foundation for sustained success, even amid periods of corporate austerity. What are the most inventive and budget-friendly ways to invest in your people, from innovative benefits, recognition, workshops, mentorship, and more? How are enlightened employers discovering what employees need? In what ways do these investments enhance company culture, promote employee retention, and foster engagement?

Promoting a Culture of Inclusion and Belonging

For efforts toward diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging (DEIB) to yield genuine success, they must extend beyond representation and be an integral part of the organizational culture. What are the most successful strategies for creating an authentic culture of inclusion? How can organizations ensure they’re taking an active, intersectional approach to their DEIB initiatives, recognizing and embracing the diverse layers of identities their workers bring? How can organizations embed transparency and accountability to build trust, drive innovation, and ultimately, measure their success?

Cultivating Well-Being Through Workplace Culture

Workplace culture stands as a vital force in shaping the well-being of employees, influencing not just professional satisfaction but also the overall quality of life within and beyond the organizational setting. How can organizations cultivate a positive workplace culture that prioritizes employee well-being and personal-professional growth? What are some of the most innovative approaches to worker well-being?