Michael Lopez
Hewlett Packard Enterprise ConsultantMichael Lopez is the Vice President and Chief Diversity Officer at Hewlett Packard Enterprise.
Everyone has a part to play in creating more diversity, equity and inclusion. What are the best ways for employers to define those roles and support them? How can managers act as matchmakers to cast productive partners in these roles? What does it mean to be an ally–and even an accomplice in helping to challenge the status quo? How can employees be encouraged to make the effort and take the risks involved in helping others advance their careers?
From Day One is a Recertification Provider for SHRM and HRCI. This session is eligible for 3 credits from both organizations. The Activity IDs will be sent to attendees after the conclusion of the session.
Senior Editor, Growth and Engagement
Fast CompanyHead of Growth, Partner
EmtrainFounder & CEO
EmtrainPrincipal, Talent, Culture and Employee Experience, Human Resources
DXC TechnologySenior Program Manager for the Baumhart Center
Loyola University ChicagoEquity, Inclusion, and Belonging Strategy Lead
BravelyHead of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
SiemensHead of External Engagement Strategy, Diversity & Inclusion
Goldman SachsHead of Diversity and Inclusion
PurpleProduct Manager
DDIVice President of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
American Express Global Business TravelExecutive Director
PDXWIT (Portland Women in Tech)Senior Editor
FortuneVice President and General Manager, AMR Manufacturing Operations
Intel CorporationDirector of Learning Experience
Hewlett Packard EnterpriseChief Diversity Officer, Office of Diversity and Equal Opportunity
Commonwealth of MassachusettsSenior Vice President, Chief Administrative and Diversity Officer
A DEI leader tells of his journey to the role, the philosophy of fostering career development, and its application in a major technology employer
Michael Lopez, chief diversity officer, Hewlett Packard Enterprise
Ellen McGirt, senior editor, Fortune
Do your leaders step up and show up as allies in the workplace? While exclusion is common, with strong leadership, it doesn’t have to be. Leaders are in a unique and powerful position to make substantial advancements for diversity, equity, and inclusion within their organization. Leaders serve as allies by being in an active state of partnership. Specifically, allyship is the act of using one’s power, position, or privilege to uplift others, especially others within historically excluded groups. Join this session and explore what strong allyship looks like (and what it doesn’t!) and the 4 types of workplace allies for leaders today. Discover different approaches and practical examples to support you and your leaders on the journey to allyship.
Sage Krombolz, diversity, equity, and inclusion product manager, DDI
Traditional mentorship can be beneficial in handing down skills, wisdom, and corporate culture. Sponsorship, in which leaders bring their organizational power into play, can be even more effective, especially in the realm of diversity. How can corporate leaders decide which role is appropriate in a given situation? What can employers do to inspire and motivate their managers to serve in these roles?
Sandra Borders, chief diversity officer, office of diversity and equal opportunity, Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Jeffery Walker, SVP, chief administrative and diversity officer, SoCalGas
Vincent Guglielmetti, VP, corporation operations & general manager corporate services Americas manufacturing operations, Intel
Tonya Hempstead, VP of diversity, equity and inclusion, American Express Global Business Travel
Karen Rodriguez La Paz, head of diversity & inclusion, Purple
Lydia Dishman, staff editor, Fast Company
Lots of companies achieve diversity, but fail at sustaining it. How can they follow through, even when they mess up? A conversation with the co-authors of a new book, Did That Just Happen?!: Beyond “Diversity”–Creating Sustainable and Inclusive Organizations
Dr. Stephanie Pinder-Amaker, clinical psychologist; chief diversity, equity & inclusion officer, McLean Hospital; assistant professor, Harvard Medical School
Dr. Lauren Wadsworth, clinical psychologist; founder and director, Genesee Valley Psychology; senior advisor, McLean Hospital/Harvard Medical School
Lydia Dishman, staff editor, Fast Company
We’ll explore common microaggressions in the workplace and provide you with the tools to address them and become a better ally when they occur. We’ll also discuss how we can learn to check our default assumptions at the door and adopt a more generous interpretation of people’s intentions while also having courageous conversations about impact.
Sam Levine, director of learning experience, Hone
Inclusion is both a skill and competency that can be intentionally developed. If leaders and managers develop an inclusion competency, they can lead and manage inclusively. Allyship, leading with curiosity, systematic decision making, and valuing differences are some of the key behaviors of inclusion and these behaviors can be developed and measured year over year. Join us as we outline how to integrate inclusion into the employee experience and measure inclusion YOY in an Inclusion Scorecard.
Janine Yancey, founder and CEO, Emtrain
Odessa Jenkins, president, Emtrain
One-on-one coaching used to be reserved for top executives, but employers now realize that it serves a vital role at many levels. As coaching becomes more democratic, how can it become part of a company's overall learning-and-development culture? In what ways does that improve a company's employee-value proposition? And in the hybrid workplace evolving now, what is the role of digital-coaching platforms and peer-to-peer coaching in promoting employee engagement?
Nichelle Grant, head of diversity, equity & inclusion, Siemens USA
Curtis Brooks, Principal, Talent, Culture and Employee Experience, Human Resources, DXC Technology
Neela Pal, head of external engagement strategy, diversity & inclusion, Goldman Sachs
Dion Bullock, diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging (DEIB) strategy lead, Bravely
Emily Nordquist, senior program manager - Baumhart Center, Loyola University Chicago
A master teacher of inclusion speaks from experience in his journey to bring change to Corporate America
Willie Jackson, head of learning & development, ReadySet
Elizabeth Stock, executive director, PDXWIT (PDX Women in Tech)