Discrimination on the Job? Young People See More of It Than Older People Do

BY fromdayone | November 05, 2019

Which age group sees the most discrimination, including ageism, on the job? Not the older employees or even the middle groups, but the young. In a new poll, American workers under the age of 35 were the ones most likely to see and feel bias on the job.

Rather than suggesting that the young are more often the targets, experts said the results indicated “how different generations can view the same behavior,” the Wall Street Journal reported.

Three out of every five workers have witnessed discrimination at work based on age, race, sexual orientation or gender, according to a survey from Glassdoor and the Harris Poll of 1,100 employees. “But people between the ages of 18 and 34 were far more likely than other age cohorts to report having witnessed or being subject to each type of discrimination,” said the Journal.

The results may be reflective of a generation that is coming of age at a time of heightened awareness of bias, including sexual harassment revealed by the #MeToo movement. Younger people are more likely to see it for what it is and call it out, compared with older people who may be either less clued-in or more resigned to the status quo, according to Carina Cortez, Glassdoor’s chief people officer.

Remarkably, young people tended to report more ageism than their elders. Fifty-two percent of younger workers said they saw or felt age-related discrimination, vs. 39% of workers over 55. Why’s that? The perception could be caused the tendency in both the media and the workplace to lump generations together and assign stereotypical traits to them, notably the cohort so often  referred to as “those millennials,” Cortez told the Journal.