How to Take a Strategic and Equitable Approach to Worker Well-Being

BY Toby Mohr | January 23, 2024

Dania Alarcon has always had an enthusiasm for wellness and helping others stay healthy. As a fitness instructor, cancer researcher, and leader in pharmaceutical advertising, she has always been focused on the health of her clients.

Now as chief medical officer at Wunderman Thompson, Alarcon continues pushing for better health for the clients she works for, while also supporting a healthy workplace for the people she works with.

At From Day One’s January virtual conference Alarcon met with Siobhan O’Connor, Atria Institute’s chief content officer, for a fireside chat about working toward a healthier world while balancing workers’ well-being.

Health for Equity

At the height of Covid, Wunderman Thompson established the Health4Equity Center of Excellence to fight forms of health inequality rooted in cultural bias.

“It happened at a very unique time in our history collectively,” Alarcon said. “2020 represented the height of both the racial injustices that were occurring across the U.S. and other parts of the world, a pandemic that was felt most acutely throughout historically marginalized communities and countries, and a number of other things that compounded the lack of access for health and wellness.”

Siobhan O'Connor of the Atria Institute, right, interviewed Dania Alarcon of Wunderman Thompson, left, in a virtual fireside chat (photo by From Day One)

Health4Equity focuses on increasing access to healthcare in those communities that historically have been left out by targeting three disease areas: prostate cancers in Black men, bladder cancers in Black women, and maternal health for Black mothers.

“There’s no shortage of health inequalities,” Alarcon said. “Our biggest challenge was making the most of this and deciding what to prioritize. One of the things we focused on was not just going deep, but going broad.”

A broad approach looks different for each group. Health4Equity campaigned for Black men to get screened for prostate cancer at 40 years old instead of 50 to catch cancer in the early stages. They also connect women with urologists for bladder treatment, providers who are not usually a part of women’s regular healthcare team.

Black women in the U.S. are about 3 times more likely to die during pregnancy or delivery than women of other races, according to the CDC. Health4Equity addresses the Black maternal health crisis by connecting Black soon-to-be mothers with licensed doulas for personal care during their pregnancy. Doulas provide personalized support and advice during pregnancy and delivery and they can act as patient advocates to close the racial gap in maternal healthcare.

Health4Equity takes direct approaches to support the well-being of their clients. “That’s exactly what the ‘4’ in Health4Equity stands for. It’s a four step strategic approach and process that’s very intentional to help identify those highest priority and need areas and match them with what might have the biggest impact,” Alarcon said.

Commitment to Employee Well-being

Employee well-being isn’t just a set of corporate goals and boundaries. It takes a daily direct commitment to respecting those boundaries, which can be especially difficult while working from home.

“It was almost like you were always on 24/7 and don’t know where the separation stops between life, feeding a dog or a child and then going back into my online work to finish up the day,” Alarcon said. “I think that lack of boundaries really took a toll on people.”

A direct approach to employee wellness also needs intentional moments of separation for employees to catch up on work and take care of themselves.

“We have something called Focus Fridays, where the back half of our Friday afternoon is reserved for catching up on emails, doing actual work because when you’re in meeting after meeting there’s not much opportunity to get things done,” Alarcon said. “So I think just understanding those boundaries, creating those intentional moments of separation, and also being respectful of others’ calendars.”

Purpose Plays a Role in Wellness

The adage “If you love what you do, you don’t work a day in your life” isn’t entirely true. Work can be tough and days can be hard, even when employees love what they do. But being passionate about the work and finding purpose in it helps keep motivation even when the work is difficult.

“As much as that health inequity movement was really tough to acknowledge, it almost renewed the enthusiasm for showing up at work and doing something that I felt brought purpose and meaning to my life and to those who maybe have been ignored in the system for far too long,” Alarcon said. “That’s very motivating, just being in a space where you feel like what you’re doing matters.”

When employees are passionate about their work and they receive support and respect for their boundaries, they feel more motivated and can thrive in the workplace.

“Workplace well-being is where you feel engaged,” Alarcon said. “Where you feel motivated, where you don’t dread Monday morning on a Sunday night, because you know that there’s exciting things coming in the week ahead.”

Toby Mohr is an editorial intern at From Day One and journalism and political science student at University of Wisconsin- Eau Claire.


How to Navigate Different Learning Styles to Include Everyone in a Large Organization

“How do we engage 1,500 learners at a single time, and how do we have content that meets the needs of all who may be attending a particular learning event?” This is a question Dr. Sherri Brooks, chief learning officer at Baptist Memorial Health Care works on each day.The organization employs more than 21,000 people, including 1,500 in leadership roles. With such a large team, learning and development efforts can be complicated. Some people are kinesthetic learners, meaning they need to engage physically during the learning process. In contrast, others are auditory or visual learners.Brooks was interviewed by Nicole Smith, editorial audience director for Harvard Business Review during a fireside chat at From Day One’s July virtual conference on upskilling and career mobility.“I’ve stopped passing judgment on what I think people should know and how I think they should behave, because what I also recognize is that not everyone is a lifelong learner,” she said. “Not everyone loves learning, engaging, and developing,” said Brooks.People come from different backgrounds and have different motivation levels. That’s why she takes ownership of “all that I can do to impact someone else’s life, particularly as it relates to professional development and growth, and learning and development.”What Makes a Good Learning Environment?Brooks says the key ingredient for an effective learning environment is leaders who “take advantage of teachable moments when there’s an opportunity to impart knowledge or insight into what a particular team member may be doing.”In particular, middle managers have an essential role because of their direct impact on frontline workers, says Brooks. “They set the tone for the organization because they are responsible for facilitating changes that may come up for explaining what’s the new learning topic of the month, or what’s needed for the organization,” she said.Nicole Smith of Harvard Business Review interviewed Dr. Sherri Brooks of Baptist Memorial Health Care during the fireside chat (photo by From Day One)Baptist Memorial Health Care holds quarterly leadership development intensives to address specific desired outcomes. “For example, if our goal is to improve overall patient experience ratings, we can do that by demonstrating compassionate connected care, which is the framework for how we really work alongside each other,” Brooks said.The organization’s leaders are trained to model specific behaviors, such as empathy. “When you have a team that's empathetic towards one another, then that translates into empathetic patient care, which then increases patient experience, which increases our patient experience ratings,” Brooks said.Ensuring Learning is Creative and EffectiveAs a large organization spread across three states, Baptist Memorial Health Care embraces technology as part of the employee learning process. They offer virtual and hybrid training methods and have invested in audience interaction tools to make presentations more engaging, Brooks says.Brooks also recommends varying learning methods. “We’re not going to call all 21,000 team members into a classroom to teach and train them on something. We have to offer content and micro learning bursts in 10 to 20 minute chunks.”Many workers don’t always have access to a computer since they don’t work from a desk, so the company makes learnings available on an app or provides desktop computer kiosks where employees can go when they have downtime.Another way to avoid learning fatigue is to avoid a fire drill approach where employees have a lot of material thrown at them at once. For example, Baptist Memorial Health Care decided to spread its orientation for new nurses over a 14-week period, where they would take a 90-minute course one day a week and then practice what they learned on their floor. “That tremendously decreased our turnover,” Brooks said.Mary Pieper is a freelance writer based in Mason City, Iowa. 

Mary Pieper | July 24, 2024

How “America’s Diner” Creates a Culture for Workers to Grow and Thrive

Fasika Melaku, SVP of HR and chief learning officer at Denny’s, is a big believer in career mobility. After all, she attended Emerson College to become a speech pathologist and ended up on an entirely different path. She credits the restaurant industry’s innate ability to provide a clear pathway for promotion as part of the reason she is where she is today.Melaku started as a restaurant hostess when she was in high school, working her way up the ranks. Now, she is committed to raising up employees at all levels. “I help engage our teams at Denny's from the hostess to the CEO, and discuss how we can create brilliance for our teams and for our guests when they walk in,” she said in a fireside chat at From Day One’s July virtual conference.Denny’s offers an ambitious career-development program for all of its 70,000 employees at more than 1,600 locations. Melaku provided an inside look at how the company’s ‘gain’ program provides support for workers in four key areas, including life skills and career pathways.Moderator Lydia Dishman, senior editor, growth and engagement at Fast Company notes that Denny’s provides “a support ecosystem that enables you to grow and learn.” In order to lay that foundation, Melaku says HR leaders need to start at the source. “I think one of the number one people in your ecosystem to support is you,” Melaku said, noting the importance of simply wanting to get up and go to work every day. “How we nurture that is creating a purpose that people can engage with, that you can find your place in. [For Denny’s], it’s our love for feeding people, body, mind and soul.”Part of that is ensuring all employees have a shared language around corporate values. “At Denny's, we have this culture that we wrap around called the Denny's Way. Using consistent language [ensures that] everybody gets it. It’s not hidden,” Melaku said. “It is a beautiful thing that’s given from the CEO, all the way down to the server and the cooks. That's a huge part of how we create mobility and how we start life at Denny’s.”Most Denny’s restaurants are franchise-owned, with 210 owners spread across the country. It can be a challenge to teach everyone in all of these locations, which is why that consistency in language is key.“The culture was already there,” Melaku said, but language needed to be shared. So, Denny’s brought everyone to the table, with all departments and franchises meeting in person over the course of three days. She says people left feeling more like a part of something bigger and could envision their place in the Denny’s ecosystem.Providing a Platform for MobilityIn a modern job environment that prioritizes skills-based hiring, “the restaurant industry is at an inflection point, teaching people this set of skills that they can take anywhere, or stay here with.” We often don't think about mobility in the service industry as staying within the service industry, but Denny’s wants to prepare its employees for long-term growth and career longevity.Lydia Dishman of Fast Company interviewed Fasika Melaku of Denny's in the virtual fireside chat (photo by From Day One)“You learn stuff when you’re working in the service industry day in and day out. How do we flip the script in the world to make sure they know what you learn here, leading a restaurant that is a $3 million business, is just as worthy as what you learn in a classroom?” Melaku said.The gain program harnesses the energy and passion of its employees who run a 24-hour business. It gives employees who need it the opportunity to get their GED while working for Denny’s, and ensures that the management training provided onsite could be seen by colleges as equivalent to higher education courses. Today, Melaku says, their program is equivalent to 30 college credits with three universities – and they’re going after more.The gain program also provides life skills training, including financial planning courses to help employees better understand how to manage the money they earn while working at Denny’s. This is more training than many college graduates may receive, says Dishman.Often, Melaku says, Denny’s is where employees learn the skills that will help them improve the situation for themselves and their families, whether that’s through the Star Management training program or simply learning basic skills on the job.Melaku shares the story of Michael Best, who started working at Denny’s at age 16 and now leads new restaurant openings at the organization. “He said Denny’s managers helped teach him about accountability,” Melaku said. He became the first person in his family to purchase their own home. “That’s the beauty of a supportive ecosystem.” Denny’s prides itself on being a bedrock for people and often providing them with their first job.Paying to train an employee only to have them walk out the door, then having to pay to train their replacement, is a particular challenge in the restaurant industry, where competition is fierce. “It is crucial that we think about our people. If you don’t figure out how to make people feel like they belong, if they don’t feel like it’s OK to take some time off, if they don’t learn – that’s tough.” Melaku has been in consistent conversation with the 200 owners to show them the data backing up how the gain program impacts retention.In terms of getting through to the employees themselves, Denny’s is transparent with its employees, showing how the pathway from server to general manager can lead to personal financial success. “In every onboarding you have, we tell them about the growth,” Melaku said. “It pays to help them see the value you bring to them as an individual, [how you] help them with their families, and teach them life skills. When you open that door to create success, your business will succeed.”Katie Chambers is a freelance writer and award-winning communications executive with a lifelong commitment to supporting artists and advocating for inclusion. Her work has been seen in HuffPost and several printed essay collections, among others, and she has appeared on Cheddar News, iWomanTV, and CBS New York.

Katie Chambers | July 23, 2024

How Digital Tools Give Talent Leaders More Time to Invest in Their Candidates

Innovative tools like AI not only help you get things done, but also free up time for you to reinvest in yourself. “It's important to be your authentic self. And to be your best self, you also have to take care of yourself. So if we can leverage AI and other technology tools to free up time, everyone has a choice to seek how to best reinvest that,” said Paul Phillips, global head of talent acquisition and onboarding at Avanade. That reinvestment can be taking a walk or spending more time with your kids, says Phillips, who spoke in a fireside chat at From Day One’s June virtual conference.Avanade is a joint partnership of Accenture and Microsoft focused on IT consulting of the Microsoft stack. With those credentials, “innovation is critical to our everyday business,” Phillips said. That means that job applicants must “feel and sense that they are working and operating with a leading innovator from the tech perspective.”AI is used throughout the Avanade acquisition process, beginning with writing the job ad itself. Using AI apps to craft the job description shaves 13 minutes off a task that had previously taken 15 minutes, he says. Then they use AI during the screening and evaluation process. The company does offer candidates globally the choice to opt out of the AI talent acquisition process, which about 30% do. But for the rest of the talent pool, the AI matching tool gives his team more precise matching of candidates to jobs and saves at least five days of traditional screening time.“When you multiply that by 5,000 hires, and multiply that by revenue per day, we’re talking multiples of millions of dollars that this is helping us generate on our top line growth,” Phillips said. Every applicant also has a human touch from his team, but the AI grading tool has proven to be very accurate. “It’s anywhere from two to five times more likely that anyone who is graded A or B is likely to get an offer,” Phillips said.Journalist Jeanhee Kim interviewed Paul Phillips of Avanade during the fireside chat (photo by From Day One)Technology is not the only way Avanade innovates, however. Phillips spoke about a change to the three pillars of their talent strategy. To the core talent acquisition goals of  “attract, develop and retain,” his team has added “create.”“What we meant by that was our ability to actually create a new talent workforce within the Avanade ecosystem that could ultimately enable us to overcome some shortages of skills,” Phillips said. To start, Avanade began casting a wider net that looked for markers of potential to learn new skills and be retrained. “That means that we look for talent that maybe has not interacted with the Microsoft technology set, or those that may have been a performance management consultant so they have a lot of skills,” he said. And they train them, through a program called Avanade Academy. This hiring strategy has been a huge success from a diversity perspective, says Phillips.This all started in Brazil, where they hired 200 women to train in the academy a few years ago. “Not only did we see a huge spike in our diversity hiring percentage, we actually started to see a shift in the culture and the behavior of the business,” Phillips said. “Globally, in female hiring, we are striving towards parity. We’ve doubled in the last five years, from 20%, to 40%,” he said.Casting a wider net in hiring has other implications for the agility of a company, too. There’s an estimate that 85% of the jobs needed in the next five years are currently unknown. So for companies to stay abreast, hiring teams have to look for individuals who can “learn, unlearn, relearn,” and have “agility, courage, and resilience. These are different skills that we may have in the past overlooked or not seen as important.”Phillips had some comforting parting advice for those who may be daunted by the challenge of using technology in hiring and for hiring for skills that may not have even been invented yet. “Don’t be fully focused on getting it all right on day one,” he said. “We live in a very iterative world today. People are happy with continuous progress. Despite all the technology, we’re still human at heart.”Jeanhee Kim is an independent journalist who has worked for CoinDesk, Crain’s New York Business, Money magazine and Forbes Asia.

Jeanhee Kim | July 16, 2024